Plan for your future

Retirement provision is an important topic that is often neglected because it lies in the future. However, it is essential to start early in order to secure oneself for retirement.

It is becoming increasingly clear that people in Switzerland are getting older, which means that financial security in retirement is becoming increasingly important, especially at a time when old-age pensions are decreasing.

However, this challenge can be overcome by investing early in the 3rd pillar. The 3rd pillar is part of the Swiss pension system that supports retirement provision.

If you are already investing in your 3a pillar, for example, CHF 200 to CHF 300 per month, you can accumulate a sum of CHF 342,112 with an average return of 3%. This means that you will have more financial flexibility in retirement and can afford the things you have always wanted.

Another advantage of the 3rd pillar is that you can deduct these expenses from your taxes. This means that you pay less tax while saving for your future self in retirement.

At Profinder, we are happy to assist you with your financial questions and help you implement your retirement plans. Our experienced team is always available for a non-binding consultation. We support you in securing your financial future and realizing your dreams in retirement.

Let us plan together and secure a financially stable future. We look forward to hearing from you

 Financial Consultant Sven Damay explains in German, how retirement provision works in our video.

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