General or private?

When it comes to supplementary health insurance in Switzerland, there are many options to choose from. Learn about the hospital coverage options available and what they can do for you.
Beitragsbild zum Spitaldeckung in der Krankenkasse

When it comes to supplementary health insurance in Switzerland, there are many options to choose from, such as extended coverage for overseas travel, dental realignment, alternative medicine, or supplementary hospital insurance. The best coverage will depend on individual needs and preferences. In the following, we will show you the differences between the various hospital coverage options:

General hospital coverage

This corresponds to mandatory health insurance, and treatment must comply with the requirements of the Health Insurance Act. This is the most affordable option and typically provides treatment by a junior doctor, a multi-bed hospital room, and waiting times for specialists.

Semi-private hospital coverage

This is a supplementary insurance that is subject to the Insurance Contract Act and not the principle of cost-effectiveness like the basic insurance. Here, patients receive the best possible treatment regardless of cost factors. This includes, among other things, more expensive medication, modern implants, quick treatment by specialists, and the choice of any doctor up to the senior physician.

Private hospital coverage

This is the highest coverage, offering all the benefits of the semi-private coverage, but with additional advantages such as a single room, preferred treatment, and the choice of any doctor up to the chief physician. This coverage often applies worldwide and often provides access to specialists within a few days.

It is important to note that there are also specific coverage options for pregnancy and childbirth that should be considered. Your personal advisor can inform you about the different offers from your health insurance company and find the best and most affordable option for you.

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