10 Tips for Your Pillar 3a

Evaluating deposits into Pillar 3a is not just a financial provision but also an opportunity to save on taxes. Seize the long-term return potential of securities and be mindful of low fees to optimize your retirement savings.

The Pillar 3a is a central component of Swiss retirement planning, allowing you to save for your retirement while enjoying tax benefits.

In this article, we will provide you with ten tips on how to make the most of your Pillar 3a to ensure a strong financial position in your retirement years.


1. Utilize the Maximum Contribution Limit

Einzahlungen in die Säule 3a sind nicht nur eine Investition in Ihre Zukunft, sondern bieten auch Steuervorteile. Je nach Ihrem steuerbaren Einkommen und Ihrem Wohnort können Sie Steuern sparen. Erwerbstätige, die in einer Pensionskasse versichert sind, können im Jahr 2023 bis zu 7’056.- Franken einzahlen. Für Erwerbstätige ohne Pensionskasse beträgt der Maximalbetrag 20% des Nettoeinkommens, jedoch höchstens 35’280.- Franken.


2. Continue Contributions Even After Retirement

Selbst im Rentenalter können Einzahlungen in die Säule 3a vorteilhaft sein. Männer können bis zu ihrem 70. Lebensjahr einzahlen, Frauen bis 69. Im Jahr der Pensionierung können Sie sogar doppelt einzahlen: den maximalen Betrag von 7’056.- Franken für die Monate bis zur Pensionierung und 20% Ihres massgeblichen Erwerbseinkommens für die restlichen Monate des Jahres. Beachten Sie die steuerlichen Auswirkungen in den Jahren nach der Pensionierung.


3. Invest in Securities

Compared to a traditional savings account, securities typically offer better long-term returns. While 3a savings account interest rates often fail to keep up with inflation, investing in securities can provide you with higher long-term yields.


4. Opt for a Cost-Effective Securities Solution

Fees associated with securities solutions can significantly eat into your returns. Choose passive management solutions, such as ETFs and index funds, to minimize fees. Over the years, this can lead to thousands of Swiss Francs in additional returns.


5. Think Long-Term

Some providers allow you to transfer securities to a private portfolio upon retirement, avoiding unfavorable market sales. This provides older workers with the opportunity to benefit from better long-term returns.


6. Regularly Compare Interest Rates

Even small differences in interest rates can significantly impact your balance over the years. Pay attention to which bank offers the best interest rates.


7. Early Contributions Pay Off

Especially for savers opting for securities solutions, it's advisable to make early-year contributions. The compounding effect can lead to substantial additional amounts over 30 years.


8. Utilize the Married Splitting Effect

If you are married and both partners are employed, you can benefit from a tax advantage known as 'Married Splitting.' This advantage allows you to split taxable income between spouses, enabling both of you to take advantage of the tax benefits of Pillar 3a.


9. Consider Tax Implications

Avoid high withdrawals in a single year, as it can lead to a higher tax burden. Capital withdrawals from the second pillar and Pillar 3a are often taxed cumulatively.


10. Open Multiple Accounts

Consider opening two to three Pillar 3a accounts to distribute withdrawals over multiple years.


These tips are designed to help you make the most of your Pillar 3a and ensure financial security in your retirement years. Remember that individual financial situations may vary. Contact us today to develop the best strategy for your retirement planning together.

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